Ruth White
Ruth White was born in Mosedale,
Yorkshire, England April 22, 1843. She came to the White Oak
Springs in Lafayette County, Wisconsin with her parents and siblings
in 1845. She first married William Howsley in Wisconsin on
March 5,
1863. According to an undated typewritten paper in my files
for Ruth White there is a notation that William Howsley was a miner
born in Derbyshire England and that his parents were Thomas and Mary
Howsley. The note further states that they were married at the
home of Ruth's parents Thomas and Margaret White who came to White
Oak Springs from Granton, Yorkshire. (Granton is in the vicinity of Marrick and
the other places associated with the Whites in England.) The
marriage was performed by Enoch Tasker, a minister. (I am
almost certain this page is a excerption of Lafayette County
marriage records that was sent to me in the early 1980's by a
librarian at the Darlington, WI public librarian.) Ruth and William and their daughter Mary Margaret
(Maggie) went to California via Panama then moved to Gold Hill,
Nevada where William died in 1868. I was told that William
Howsley died in Nevada as a result of a mining accident.
However, Mary Louise Erb reported the following on the Howsley
surname Ancestry Message Board on October 4, 2001 "I too am a
descendent of Sarah Howsley and William Trevathan, and the family
history always said that William Howsley, Sarah's brother, was
murdered in Virginia City, Nevada, hence Sarah would no longer live
in VC; Her husband was also mining in that area. Anyway I have been
working on the "Gold Hill Cemetery Record Book 1863 - 1884" FHC film
# 1889228 item 2, and on page 86 I found the following entries:
Registry of Deaths in Gold Hill, Story County Nevada for fiscal year
ending June 1 st 1869. #17 Wm. B. How(u)sely,Place of birth-England
cause of death- pistol shot ? Holly date-Aug 25 age-40
occupation-miner by whom buried- Wm Trevathan where buried-Gold Hill
Cemetery. #18 W.F. Holly pob-Illinois Cause-Suicide date-Aug 25
age-30 occ-miner who buried-brother where-Gold Hill Cemetery. It is
my understanding that the records for the Gold Hill Cemetery are not
too good and that the cemetery itself is in poor shape. I will be
checking on that in the near future. Hope this helps."
There was only one child of this marriage, Mary Margaret Howsley
who married Franklin W. Algeo. After the death of William
Howsley, Ruth White Howsley moved to Sutter County, California.
On November 23, 1869, she married her brother-in-law George Howsley.
George and Ruth Howsley had five children, Sophia Mabel, Thomas
Hector, George Franklin, Annie May, and Mary B. Howsley. |
Below are thumbnails of two letters
written by Ruth White Howsley to her brother Edward O. White in
December of 1890. To
view readable images, click on the thumbnails. To
further enlarge and sharpen the images, click on the icon that
appears when you pass the mouse over the lower right corner of the
enlarged image. |
Descendents of Ruth White Howsley
1 Ruth
White b: April 22, 18431 Mosedale, Yorkshire, England2:
November 10, 1908 Pleasant Grove, California3
+William Howsley d: 1868 Nevada4
..m. March 5, 18635
.. 2
Mary Margaret Howsley b: November 15, 1864 White Oak Springs,
Wisconsin6 d: November 26, 1935 Sutter County,
+Franklin W. Algeo b: November 29, 18588 d: April 13,
1946 Sutter County, California9
.....m. January 15, 188810
...... 3
Lillian Irene Algeo b: November 19, 1888 Pleasant Grove, California11
d: Septenber 12, 198512
.......... +Michael Francis McNamara b: February 15, 187813
d: October 17, 196414
June 19, 191015
..........4 Evelyn McNamara b: December 06, 191116
Sutter County California d: November 17, 194017
...... 3
Amy Ruth Algeo b: February 22, 189118 Sutter County,
California d: March 28, 198919
.......... +Joseph John Brennan b: April 01, 189220 d:
November 19, 192621
...... 3
George Franklin Algeo b: July 12, 189322 Sutter County,
California d: August 08, 196823
.......... +Vera G. Crum b: January 18, 189424 d: April
06, 195725
...... 3
Joseph Wesley Algeo b: October 25, 1900 Sutter County, California26
d: January 28, 194227
Husband of Ruth White:
+George Howsley b: October 04, 1841 England28 d: January
03, 190029
November 23, 186930
.. 2
Mary B. Howsley b: October, 187031 d: July 21, 193632
+Edgar John Baker b: June 186833 d: 192634
December 5, 189335
...... 3
Lorenzo Edgar Baker b: March 189536 d:192637
Gertrude C.38
...... 3
Stella M. Baker b: October 189839
.. 2
Thomas Hector Howsley b: April 187240 Pleasant Grove,
California d: 1950 ?41
+Theresa Osterbrink b: June 187842 d: 191943
.........m. February 10, 189744
.... 3 Earl Thomas Howsley b: February 8, 189945 d:
August 20, 1984, Sacramento Co, CA46
...... 3
Hazel Beatrice Howsley b: June 02, 190247 d:
February 22, 1990 Placer Co., CA48
Beall49 b: December 28, 190150 d: June 26,
......+? Fritz52
...... 3
Marguerite Howsley 190553
.. *2nd
Wife of Thomas Howsley:
+Cecile L. Anderson or Cheney54 b: 189155 d:
January 21, 193756
.. 2
Sophia Mabel Howsley b: June 10, 187557 Pleasant Grove,
California d: March 16, 195258 Pleasant Grove, California
+Peter Archibald Darrach b: November 18, 1865 Prince Edward Island,
Canada59 d: December 26, 194560
...... 3
Mabel Sophia Darrach b: October 23, 190161 d: November
17, 199062
.......... +William T. Stephani b: 189863 d: 196564
...... 3
George Neal Darrach b: January 24, 189565 d: June 12,
...... 3
Flora Ruth Darrach b: September 25, 189667 d: June 21,
.......... +Elmer Ernest Davis b: May 5, 188769 d: June
12, 195670
...... 3
Kathryn Darrach b: January 19, 189971 d: February 23,
.......... +Donald Brown b: November 4, 189673 d: August
18, 198474
.. 2
Annie Howsley b: May 187875 Sutter County, California d:
...... 3
Charlotte Farmer b: September 8, 1905, Sacramento County, CA77
d: 78
...... 3
Lillian Farmer b. October 10, 1907, San Joaquin, CA79 d:
...... 3
Bill Farmer b: ?81 d: ?82
.. *2nd
Husband of Annie Howsley:
+William A. Horner b: November 12, 187383 Iowa84: d:
May 15, 1967 Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA85
...... 3
Wendell Roy Horner b: March 27, 1915 Washington state86:
d: August 27, 1988 Wenatchee, Chelan Co., WA87
.. 2
George S. Howsley b: February 26, 1881 Pleasant Grove, California88:
August 04, 194689
+Lola Striplin b. Aug 187990 d: 190591
January 6, 190192
.... ..3
Lavanche Howsley b: November 9, 190293 d: March 4, 196594
..+Elmer Gracia95 b: November 22, 190396
d: October 19, 198197
. ...
3 Jack Clarance Howsley b. January 1, 190498 d: January
2, 1962 San Francisco, CA99
.....*2nd Wife of George F. (or S) Howsley:
Michael100 b: March 18, 1877101 d: June 13,
........3 Norma Margaret Howsley b: September 15, 1907103
May 8, 1982104
George Fredrick Howsley b: June 15, 1910106 d: October
18, 1990107
........3 Laurence Thomas Howsley b: November 21, 1916108
d: January 25, 1992109 |
Howsley, death certificate (1908) California State Board of
Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
Ruth White entry, International Genealogical Index [IGI]
(Salt Lake City: Family History Library, 1999-2002) citing
microfilm 0207558 for batch C059171, Computer printout of
Marrick, Yorks., Eng.
Ruth Howsley, death certificate.
Delay, Peter J., History of Yuba and Sutter Counties,
California : with biographical sketches (Los Angeles:
Historic Record Company, 1924) 1220 1221
In my files, I have a typed list of Lafayette County marriages
that I believe was excerpted from a book of marriages by someone
at the Darlington, Wisconsin Public Library in the 1980's.
Unfortunateley there is no source citation on the paper and over
the years it has become separated from whatever letter must have
accompanied it. I feel certain the information is correct
but don't have a formal citation.
Algeo, Obedience C., A Pioneer Heritage-The Algeo-Vestal Story,
Printed, 1972.)
Algeo, Obedience C., A Pioneer Heritage-The Algeo-Vestal Story
- California Death Index, 1940-1997.
[database online] Provo, UT:, 2000. Original
electronic data: State of California. California Death Index,
1940-1997. Sacramento, CA: State of California Department of
Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, 1946, entry for
Franklin Algeo
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1946,
entry for Franklin Algeo
Algeo, Obedience C., A Pioneer Heritage-The Algeo-Vestal Story
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1985,
entry for Lillian McNamara
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1985,
entry for Lillian McNamara
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1964,
entry for Michael McNamara
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1964,
entry for Michael McNamara
Algeo, Obedience C., A Pioneer Heritage-The Algeo-Vestal Story
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1940,
entry for Evelyn McNamara
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1940,
entry for Evelyn McNamara
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1989,
entry for Amy Brennan
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1989,
entry for Amy Brennan
Algeo, Obedience C., A Pioneer Heritage-The Algeo-Vestal Story
Algeo, Obedience C., A Pioneer Heritage-The Algeo-Vestal Story
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1968,
entry for George Franklin Algeo
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1968,
entry for George Franklin Algeo
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1957,
entry for Vera Algeo
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1957,
entry for Vera Algeo
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1942,
entry for Joseph Wesley Algeo
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1942,
entry for Joseph Wesley Algeo
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
surveyed, transcribed and contributed by Connie Cox, accessed
June 20, 2004.
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
surveyed, transcribed and contributed by Connie Cox, accessed
June 20, 2004.
Delay, Peter J., History of Yuba and Sutter counties,
California : with biographical sketches (Los Angeles:
Historic Record Company, 1924) 1220 1221.
-, 1900 U. S. Census (Population Schedule),
Nicolaus Township, Sutter County, California, page 194a,
Dwelling 187, Family 188, Household of Edward J, Baker GIF
image, (Online:, 2003) online subscription, (Digital scans of
original U. S. Federal Government Document, Twelfth Census of
the United States, 1900.) Accessed June 20, 2004.
- California Death Index, 1930-39.
[subscription database online] Original electronic data:
State of California. California Death Index, 1936.
Sacramento, CA: State of California.
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California Household of Edward J. Baker
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online.
Marriages Sutter County, Book D Groom Index 1889 1905
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California Household of Edward J. Baker
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online.
-, 1930 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California, page 4B, dwelling 109,
family 109, Household of Lorenzo Baker,
JPEG image, (Online:, 2003) online subscription, (Digital scans of
original U. S. Federal Government Document, Fifteenth Census of
the United States, 1930.) Accessed June 20, 2004.
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California Household of Edward J. Baker
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, page 194a, dwelling 190, Family 191,
California Household of Thomas Howsley Accessed June 20,
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online.
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California page 194a, dwelling 189,
Family 190, California Household of Thomas Howsley Accessed
June 20,
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online.
Marriages Sutter County, Book D Groom Index 1889 1905
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1984,
entry for Earl Thomas Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1984,
entry for Earl Thomas Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1990,
entry for Hazel Beatrice Fritz
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1990,
entry for Hazel Fritz
-, 1930 U.S. Census (Population Schedule)
Sacramento, District 64, Sacramento County, CA, page 1A,
dwelling 30, family 30, Household of Ervin Beall,
JPEG image, (Online:, 2003) online subscription, (Digital scans of
original U. S. Federal Government Document, Fifteenth Census of
the United States, 1930.) Accessed June 20, 2004.
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1953,
entry for Ervin Beall
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1953,
entry for Ervin Beall
- California Death Index, 1940-1997. 1990
entry for Hazel Fritz
-, 1930 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Household
of Ervin Beall,
Accessed June 20, 2004.
-, 1930 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California, page dwelling 108,
family 108, Household of Thomas Howsley,
Accessed June 20, 2004.
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
- California Death Index, 1930-39.
[subscription database online] <>
Original electronic data: State of California. California
Death Index, 1937. Sacramento, CA: State of California.
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1952,
entry for Sophia Darrach
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1952,
entry for Sophia Darrach
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1945,
entry for Peter Darrach
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1945,
entry for Peter Darrach
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1990,
entry for Mabel Stephani
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1990,
entry for Mabel Staphani
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1968,
entry for George Neal Darrach
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1968,
entry for George Neal Darrach
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1965,
entry for Flora Davis
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1965,
entry for Flora Davis
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1956,
entry for Elmer Davis
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1956,
entry for Elmer Davis
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1981,
entry for Kathryn Brown
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1981,
entry for Kathryn Brown
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Records, online
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, page 194a, dwelling 188, Family 189,
California Household of Ruth Howsley Accessed June 20,
Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society [Washington State], obituary
index, online
California Births Database,
[subscription database online] Copyright © 1995-2004 The
Vitalsearch Company, Original electronic data: Sacramento, CA:
State of California Department of Health Services, Center for
Health Statistics
California Births Database,
[subscription database online]
Letter from Mrs. Laurence Darrach, (Mrs. Laurence Darrach, PO
Box 3, East Nicolaus, CA 95622) to Nancy White Custer dated
February 29, 1984. Held in 2004 by Nancy White Custer. Mrs.
Darrachs husband is the great-grandson of Ruth White Howsley.
- Washington Death Index, 1940-96 [database
online]. Provo, UT:, 2002. Original data: Index
created by: Washington State Department of Health. Microfilmed
copy of index obtained from: Washington State Archives.
-, 1930 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Lincoln
Township, District 23, Chelan County, Washington, page 158
dwelling 10, family 10, Household of William A. Horner,
JPEG image, (Online:, 2003) online subscription, (Digital scans of
original U. S. Federal Government Document, Fifteenth Census of
the United States, 1930.) Accessed June 20, 2004.
- Washington Death Index, 1940-96 [database
online], entry for William A. Horner
- Washington State
Birth Index, 1907-1919.
[database online] Provo, Utah:, 2002. Original
data: Washington Department of Health. Washington State
Births 1907-1919. Washington: Department of Health, 1915,
entry for Wendell Roy Horner
- Washington Death Index, 1940-96 [database
online], 1988, entry for Wendell Horner
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1946,
entry for George Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1946,
entry for George Howsley
-, 1900 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California, page 190, dwelling 87,
family 89, household of Lifous Striplin.
Fairview Cemetery Records, online <>
surveyed, transcribed and contributed by Connie & Don Cox
Marriages, Sutter County, Book D, Groom Index 1889-1905
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1965
entry for Lavanch Gracia
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1965
entry for Lavanch Gracia
-, 1930 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Sacramento
District 91, Sacramento County, California, page 187 dwelling
172, family 187, Household of Elmer Gracia,
JPEG image, (Online:, 2003) online subscription, (Digital scans of
original U. S. Federal Government Document, Fifteenth Census of
the United States, 1930.) Accessed June 20, 2004.
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1981
entry for Elmer Gracia
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1981
entry for Elmer Gracia
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1962
entry for Jack C. Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1962
entry for Jack C. Howsley
- 1910 U.S. Census (Population Schedule) Nicolaus
Township, Sutter County, California, p. 179a, dwelling 212,
family 215, Household of George S. Howsley, JPEG image,
(Online:, 2003) online subscription, (Digital scans of
original U.S. Federal Government Document, Thirteenth Census of
the United States, 1910.) Accessed June 21, 2004.
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1970
entry for Folka Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1970
entry for Folka Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1982
entry for Norma Albright
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1982
entry for Norma Albright
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1982
entry for Norma Albright
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1990
entry for George Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1990
entry for George Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1992
entry for Laurence Thomas Howsley
- California Death Index, 1940-1997, 1992
entry for Laurence Thomas Howsley