This Indenture made This
thirteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven
hundred and Sixty Six Between Andrew Dorsey of Baltimore County in the
Province of Maryland Planter of the one Part and John Gilliss of Ann
Arundel County in the province aforesaid Planter on the other part.
Witnesseth that he the said Andrew Dorsey for and in consideration of the
Sum of Thirty pounds Sterling Money of Great Britain to him in hand paid
by the said John Gilliss the Receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge
and there of doth Agree (?) and Discharge the said John Gilliss his heirs
and assignes (rest of line unreadable). . .
Unto him the said John his heirs
and assigns forever One hundred Acres of Land being in two parcels lying
contiguous to each other in Baltimore County and Province aforesaid. First
Dorseys Prospect originally on the 5th of March 1749 Beginning
at three Bounded Red Oaks standing at the mouth of a small Draught at the
head of the White Marshes which [issues] into Delaware falls And Running
thence North thirty one degrees West Thirty Six perches South Seventy five
degrees West twenty Six Perches South Twenty one degrees West One hundred
and forty five perches. South Seventeen degrees East Sixty Perches and
then with a Straight Line to the Beginning for fifty acres more or less.
Secondly fifty Acres being part of
a Tract Called Batchelors Refuge Beginning at the aforesaid Bounded Oaks
and Running Thence South twenty five Degrees west one hundred and Eighty
four perches South forty two degrees East four perches North forty seven
and half degrees East forty perches North Sixty Six and half degrees East
fifty four Perches—North Twenty three and half Degrees East One hundred
and Thirty one Perches
and then with a Straight Line for
the beginning Containing and laid out for fifty Acres of Land To have and
to hold both the aforesaid Tracts or Parcells of Land and Every part
thereof together with the Cultivations, Improvements and Appurtenances
thereunto belonging unto the said John Gilliss his heirs and assigns for
Ever to his and their only proper use and behoof. And the said Andrew
Dorsey doth for himself his heirs and assigns Covenent grant and agree to
and with the said John Gilliss his heirs and assigns both the afore said
Tracts or Parcells of Land and Premisses unto him the said John Gilliss
his heirs and Assigns for Ever against all persons claiming from by or
under him the said Andrew Dorsey. In Witness whereof the said Andrew
Dorsey hath hereunto set his hand and ‘Seal the day and year above
Andrew Dorsey (seal)
Ruxton Gay Benjamin Rogers
On the foot of the aforegoing Deed
was thus written Viz.
Maryland Baltimore County
September 13, 1766 Then came Andrew Dorsey party to the within Deed
before us the Subscribers being two of his Lordships Justices of the peace
foresaid County and Acknowledged the within Indenture to be his act and
deed and the Land and Premisses Therein mentioned to be the Right Title
and Estate of the within mentioned John Gilliss his heirs and assigns
at the same time came Patience wife to the within Andrew and
being privately examined out of hearing of her said husband acknowledged
her Right of Dower to the within aforementioned Land and Premisses to be
the Right Title and Estate of him the within mentioned John Gilliss his
heirs and assigns for Ever/
Done before
us Ruxton Gay, Benjamin Rogers
September the 13th 1766
Then Received of John Gilliss the Sum of Thirty Pounds Sterling Money it
being the Consideration for the within Land in full to me.
Witness Ruxton
Gay Andrew
Received September 30, 1766 of Mr
John Gillis four Shillings Sterling for the use of Lord Baltimore being
the Alienation Fine on the within Land and by Virtue of Commission from
Edward Lloyd Esq. his said Lordships Agent and Receiver
John Davidson
Recorded 30th September
