Support the Dorsey/Darsey/Darcy/Dawsey/Dossey/D'Arcy DNA Project
Many individuals have worked and contributed generously to make it a success and the research of many more has benefited. However, all who have studied them in any detail know that these families are large, spread out, inter-tangled and frequently poorly documented. Several lines have been plagued by the propagation of incorrect information throughout the genealogical literature with the result that many people have spent time and money tracking the wrong ancestor. Much work remains. In addition to simply defining family groups, DNA analysis can also provide evidence for genealogical relationships within those groups when fortuitous mutations define branching points in descendants of a common ancestor. To this end, we continue to recruit well documented individuals from key lines of interest. Each additional participant enriches the knowledge about his line.
Unfortunately, the person with the well documented DNA from a key
line of interest does not always sh In recognition of the fact that some individuals may find the cost of DNA testing a burden, Family Tree DNA has instituted a General Fund to allow researchers to subsidize the testing of key individuals. (The fund can also be used as a simple way to give someone a gift of DNA testing.) This also allows researchers who benefit from the results of the project but who are not direct male line descendants of one of the project surnames to have a part in the success of the project. Funds are collected and held by Family Tree DNA, but their disbursement is controlled by the project administrator. The donor may designate a participant or a Lineage to be funded or may make an unrestricted gift for use at the discretion of the project administrator and Lineage leaders. If you wish to contribute on behalf of a specific participant or Lineage or have other input about the use of your donation, please send an email with those details to You will find a field on the donation form to make a donation in honor of a special person as a way of honoring a favorite ancestor, thanking your family genealogist or remembering a family member.
Please consider your donation as a way of bringing more family lines into the
project and enriching our vision of the past. |